An engaging afternoon on AI in Healthcare

As the Lighthouse project DoMore! concludes, some of the opportunities ahead were presented on November 24th, 2021


Time Lecture Title Speaker Title
13:30 Opening Bjørn Atle Bjørnbeth CEO, Oslo University Hospital (OUH)
13:35 DoMore! - Project & Results Håvard E. G. Danielsen Head of the Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics (ICGI) at Oslo University Hospital and PM of the DoMore! Project
14:20 Clinical application of Histotyping: precision cancer medicine David Kerr Professor of cancer medicine, University of Oxford
14:30 Clinical decision support Andreas Kleppe Researcher at ICGI and associate professor at Department of Informatics, UiO
14:40 Is risk-stratifying patients using a deep learning-based prognostic biomarker cost-effective? Jørn Jacobsen Head of Research and Innovation at Vestfold Hospital Trust
15:00 Coffee break
15:20 The commercial journey - from start to start-up Ketil Widerberg Managing Director of Oslo Cancer Cluster
15:35 DoMore Diagnostics AS Torbjørn Furuseth CEO, DoMore Diagnostics AS
15:45 Clinical utility studies & clinical implementation Jørn Jacobsen Head of Research and Innovation at Vestfold Hospital Trust
15:55 DoMore! Decision support in DIPS Arena Liv Bollvåg / Thor Stenbæk Head of research & innovation in DIPS / Senior system architect in DIPS
16:05 Why DoMore! and similar projects are necessary for future pathology Bodil Bjerkehagen Head of Department of Pathology, Oslo University Hospital and associate professor at the Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo
16:15 How to secure the world's best cancer treatment for my patients Daniel Heinrich President Norwegian Association of Oncology
16:25 In silico pathology as a part of SiV HF's digitalisation strategy Stein Kinserdal CEO, Vestfold Hospital Trust
16:30 From one lighthouse to another Erik Fosse Professor emeritus and former Department Head at the Intervention Centre (OUH), PI Bigmed
16:35 The pandemic put a dent in creativity Tone S. Ringstad CEO, Culture Engine
16:45 Coffee break
17:05 Learning from deep learning Knut Liestøl Professor emeritus and former department head at the Department of Informatics, University of Oslo.
17:15 High Resolution high throughput imaging Ilyá Kostomolov System developer, ICGI.
17:25 Colon screening and polyps Marco Novelli and Erika Lindstrøm Professor of gastrointestinal pathology, University College London / Post-Doc ICGI
17:35 Histotyping Applications Hanne A. Askautrud Head, Section for Interphase Genetics, ICGI
17:45 AI based kariotyping Tarjei S. Hveem Head Software development, ICGI and WP4 leader in DoMore!
17:55 Concluding remarks Anne Kjersti Fahlvik Executive Director NRC - Business development and innovation